

  • 作  者:刘意青,刘炅
  • 出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 书  号:9787560079127
  • 版次:1
  • 出版时间:2008/10/1
  • 印次:3
  • 图书开本:16开
  • 页数:484
- +(库存件)






  Part Ⅰ Old and Middle English Periods (450-1485)

   Chapter 1 Old English Period and Beowulf

    Ⅰ.Old English Period

    Ⅱ. Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem Beowulf

   Chapter 2 Middle English Period and Chaucer

    Ⅰ.Middle English Period

    Ⅱ. Geoffrey Chaucer

  Part Ⅱ English Renaissance and Shakespeare (1485-1616)

   Chapter 3 The English Renaissance Literature

    Ⅰ.Introduction of the Period

    Ⅱ. Ten Renaissance Writers

   Chapter4 William Shakespeare

    Ⅰ.Shakespeare's Life and Achievements

    I1. Discussions of Shakespeare's Major Works

  Part Ⅲ The Seventeenth Century (1616-1688)

   Chapter 5 The Bourgeois Revolution and Milton

    Ⅰ.Background Knowledge

    Ⅱ. John Milton

   Chapter 6 The Metaphysical Poets and the Restoration Drama

    Ⅰ.The Metaphysical Poets

    Ⅱ. The Restoration Drama

   Chapter 7 Dryden and Bunyan

    Ⅰ.John Dryden

    Ⅱ. John Bunyan

  Part Ⅳ The Eighteenth Century (1688-1780)

   Chapter 8 The Age of Classicism

    Ⅰ.Background Knowledge of the First Half of the Eighteenth Century

    Ⅱ. Discussions of the Chief Representatives

   Chapter 9 The Rise of the Novel

    Ⅰ.Background Knowledge About the Rise of the Novel in England

    Ⅱ. Discussions of the Major Novelists

   Chapter 10 The Pre-Romantic Literature

    Ⅰ.Background Knowledge About the Literature at the Turn of the Century

    Ⅱ. Pre-RomanticPoetry

    Ⅲ. The Gothic Novel

  Part Ⅴ The Romantic Period (1780-1830)

   Chapter 11 Wordsworth and Coleridge

    Ⅰ.Background Knowledge

    Ⅱ. The Romantic Sage, William Wordsworth

    Ⅲ. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Poet and Critic

   Chapter 12 Byron, Shelley and Keats

    Ⅰ.George Gordon Byron and the Byronic Hero

    Ⅱ. Percy Bysshe Shelley, Poet and Utopian Socialist

    Ⅲ. John Keats, the Poet of Beauty

   Chapter 13 Walter Scott and Jane Austen

    Ⅰ.Walter Scott, Romantic Writer of Historical Themes

    Ⅱ. Jane Austen, Novelist of Social Manners

  Part Ⅵ The Victorian Literature (1830-1880)

   Chapter 14 The Victorian Age

    Ⅰ.Background Knowledge

    Ⅱ. Major Literary Achievements

   Chapter 15 Victorian Novelists

    Ⅰ.Charles Dickens

    Ⅱ. William Makepeace Thackeray

    Ⅲ. Charlotte and Emily Bronte

    Ⅳ. George Eliot

   Chapter 16 Victorian Poets

    Ⅰ.Alfred Tennyson

    Ⅱ. Robert Browning

    Ⅲ. Dante Gabriel Rossetti

    Ⅳ. Matthew Arnold as a Poet

   Chapter 17 Victorian Prose Writers

    Ⅰ.Thomas Carlyle

    Ⅱ. Thomas Macaulay

    Ⅲ. John Stuart Mill

    Ⅳ. John Ruskin

    Ⅴ. Matthew Arnold

  Part Ⅶ Fin de siecle and Modernist Literature (1880-1930)

   Chapter 18 Fin de siec/e

    Ⅰ.Historical Background

    Ⅱ. Intellectual Background

   Chapter 19 Later Victorian to the First World War

    Ⅰ.Fin de siecle Aestheticism

    Ⅱ. Late Victorian Poetry

    Ⅲ. Novels of This Period

    Ⅵ. Drama of This Period

    Ⅴ. Other Writers of This Period

   Chapter 20 Modernist Literature

    Ⅰ.Background Knowledge

    Ⅱ. Modernist Novel and Novelists

    Ⅲ. Modernist Poetry

   Chapter 21 Non-Modernists Between the Wars

    Ⅰ.Reflections on War and History

    Ⅱ. Writers Between the Wars

    Ⅲ. The Rise of Academic English Studies

  Part Ⅷ Mid-Twentieth Century (1930-1990)

   Chapter 22 The Second World War

   Chapter 23 Literature of the Second World War


    Ⅱ. War Poets

    Ⅲ. Other Writers of This Period

   Chapter 24 Postwar Literature

    Ⅰ.Novels of This Period

    Ⅱ. Drama of This Period

    Ⅲ. Poetry of This Period

   Chapter 25 Towards the New Century

  Self Test



  Glossary of Literary Terms

  Key to the Quizes and Self Test

  Index of British Writers


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