一、《英国文学选读》由复旦大学外文系编注,暂定分为两册。第一册从十四世纪至十九世纪下半期,第二册从十九世纪末至二十世纪三十年代末。 二、本书每篇由作者简介、题解、原文和注释四个部分组成。有些选文或因主题鲜明,或因可独立成章,即未作题解。 三、作家与作品大体按出生年月,发表时间的先后编排。但少数作家及作品因文学流派和地位影响等关系,不宜按上述顺序编排,故稍作变动。 四、本书承山东大学、南京大学、杭州大学、四川大学、洛阳外语学院、北京外语学院、上海外语学院、上海师范大学、吉林师范大学、河南师范大学和上海师范学院的同志参加审稿,谨在此致谢。
Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales Popular Ballads Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale The Babes in the Wood William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice Hamlet Sonnet 18 Sonnet 29 Francis Bacon Of Studies Of Wisdom for a Man's Self John Milton Paradise Lost On His Blindness John Bunyan The Pilgrim's Progress Joseph Addison Adventures of a Shilling Richard Steele The Spectator Club Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Joonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels Alexander Pope An Essay on Criticism Henry Fielding The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling Samuel Johnson Letter to Lord Chesterfield Oliver Goldsmith The Vicar of Wakefield Richard Brinsley Sheridan The School for Scandal William Blake London The Tyger Robert Burns A Man's A Man For A' That Robert Bruce's March to Bannockburn A Red, Red Rose William Wordsworth She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways To the Cuckoo I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud The Solitary Reaper Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kubla Khan Walter Scott Ivanhoe Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Charles Lamb Dream Children; a Reverie William Hazlitt On Familiar Style George Gordon Byron The Isles of Greece She Walks in Beauty Percy Byssbe Shelley Ode to the West Wind To a Skylark John Keats On First Looking into Chapman's Homer Ode to a Nightingale Thomas Hood The Song of the Shirt Ernest Jones The Song of the Lower Classes The Song of the Future Alfred Tennyson The Eagle Ulysses Break, Break, Break Robert Browning Home Thoughts, from Abroad Prospice Charles Dickens Oliver Twist David Copperfield William Makepeace Thackeray Vanity Fair Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskeli Mary Barton Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights George Eliot Silas Marner Thomas Carlyle Heroes and Hero-Worship John Ruskin Books
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