



  《中西文化之鉴:跨文化交际教程(新)》作者Linell Davis是南京大学的美籍外国专家,在中国执教已多年。在这多年旅居中国的生涯里,他凭着一腔对东方文化的兴趣,著书立说来比较中国与美国这两个民族在宏观文化统照之下,其微观文化的巨大差异。她从观念、思维、习俗、人际交往等方面入手,通过大量详实的材料佐证了其多年来对中国微观文化的感悟与思索。




  Chapter 1:Thinking Globally

  Chapter 2:Becoming Aware

  Chapter 3:Making Generalizations

  Chapter 4:Using Codes to Communicate

  Chapter 5:Starting to Talk

  Chapter 6:Building Relationships

  Chapter 7:Perceiving Culturally

  Chapter 8:Moving to the Rhythms of Culture

  Chapter 9:Building Culture into the Landscape

  Chapter 10: Thinking Culturally

  Chapter 11: Comparing Cultural Values

  Chapter 12: Taking Cultural Values to Work

  Chapter 13: Working in Groups

  Chapter 14: Managing in Organizations

  Chapter 15: Persuading across Cultures

  Chapter 16: Adapting to a New Culture



   High contact and low contact cultures

   Hall shows how people from different cultures combine information from several senses to orient themselves in space and then classifies some cultures as high contact and others as low contact. In high contact cultures what people sense when they are close to a person or object is most important. The information from touch, from the skin generally and from muscles as well as what people see using the inner part of the eye (the part you use to thread a needle) is used a lot. In high contact cultures people want to get close enough to one another and to objects to sense them in these ways. In a low contact cultures the middle third of the eye plays a greater role, because to see someone’s whole face without distortion, we must stand a certain distance away. At that distance we do not sense the other person’s body heat or subtle smell but we can see a frown or a smile. This far away we probably cannot see the widening of the pupil of the other person’s eyes.

   These ideas may be new to you. For most of us the cultural aspects of sensory perception are part of subjective culture. It comes from that part of the cultural iceberg that is hidden below the sea of out awareness. People going from a familiar to an unfamiliar culture are not aware of the reasons, but they often have strong emotional reactions to these differences. When a person from a high contact culture goes to a low contact culture, he or she is likely to feel that people are cold, lack human warmth, and are indifferent and pay no attention to them. The person is reacting to differences in the way people in the new culture use their senses.







