《综合英语教程》为教育部委托编写的普通高等教育“九五”国家级重点教材出版项目,是为我国高等学校英语专业学生编写的一本面向21世纪的英语专业基础教材,也可供教育学院和社会自学者使用。 本书是《综合英语教程》学习用书第一册,全书共15个单元,每单元由三大部分组成:听说训练、阅读理解和语言操练以及扩展性练习。
1 My First lob
2 American Homes and Traditional Chinese Homes
3 What, s in a Name?
4 Waiting for a Call
5 England as Seen by Americans
6 A Delightful Village
7 The Mystery of the White Gardenia
8 The Message Behind the Smile
9 Snake
10 The Risks of Life
11 Medicine and Health
12 The Transaction
13 Words Can Give You Power
14 People Who Changed the Shape of Our World
15 The Rocking-Horse Winner
附录:Key to Phonetic Symbols