





Chapter 1 Introduction

 1. What is linguistics?

  1.1 Definition of linguistics

  1.2 Main branches of linguistics

  1.3 Why study language?

 2. What is language?

  2.1 Definition of language

  2.2 Design features of language

 3. Important distinctions in linguistics

  3.1 Prescriptive vs. descriptive

  3.2 Synchronic vs. diachronic

  3.3 Speech vs. writing

 3.4 Langue vs. parole

  3.5 Competence vs. performance


 Further Readings

Chapter 2 Phonetics

 1. The phonic medium of language

 2. Phonetics

  2.1 What is phonetics?

  2.2 Organs of speech

  2.3 Classification of English speech sounds

 Exerc i ses

 Further Readings

Chapter 3 Phonology

 1. General introduction to phonology

 2. Basic concepts of phonology

  2.1 Phone, phoneme and allophone

  2.2 Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution and minimal pair

  2.3 Broad transcription and narrow transcription

 3. Some phonological rules

  3.1 Sequential rules

  3.2 Assimilation rules

 4. Suprasegmental features: stress, tone and intonation

  4.1 Stress

  4.2 Tone

  4.3 Intonation


 Further Readings

Chapter 4 Morphology

 1. Morphology

 2. Morphemes

 3. Types of morphemes

  3.1 Free morphemes

  3.2 Bound morphemes

 4. Allomorph

 5. Word formation rules

  5.1 Compounding

  5.2 Derivation

  5.3 Conversion

  5.4 Clipping

  5.5 Initialism

  5.6 Acronym

  5.7 Blending

  5.8 Back-formation


 Further Readings

Chapter 5 Syntax

 1. Syntactic categories

 2. Combinational rules

 3. Sentence structure

  3.1 The structural approach and IC analysis

  3.2 Advantages and problems of IC analysis

  3.3 Transformational-generative grammar

 4. Universal grammar

  4.1 The observational basis of UG

  4.2 General principles of UG

  4.3 General parameters of UG


 Further Readings

Chapter 6 Semantics

 1. General introduction

 2. Approaches to semantics

  2.1 The naming theory

  2.2 The conceptualist theory

  2.3 Contextualism

  2.4 Behaviorism

 3. Lexical meaning

  3.1 Sense and reference

  3.2 Major semantic relationships between words

 4. Sentence meaning

 5. Analysis of meaning

  5.1 Componential analysis——a way to analyze lexical meaning

  5.2 Predication analysis——a way to analyze sentence meaning


 Further Readings

Chapter 7 Pragmatics

 1. What is pragmatics?

 2. Context

 3. Entailment

 4. Presupposition

 5. Speech acts

 6. Conversational implicatures

 7. The cooperative principle

 8. Deixis

 9. Politeness principle


 Further Recld ings

Chapter 8 Language and Society

 1. Speech community

 2. Relationships between language and society

 3. Language varieties

  3.1 Dialects

  3.2 Register

  3.3 Mixture of varieties


 Further Reedings

Chapter 9 Language and Culture

 1. General introduction

  1.1 The relationship between language and culture

  1.2 The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

 2. Cross-cultural communication

  2.1 Meaning as sign

  2.2 Cultural clash

  2.3 Stereotype


 Further Readings

Chapter 10 Language and Acquisition

 1. Behaviorism

 2. Innatism:how languages are learned

 3. Interactionist theory: how languages are learned

 4. Interlanguage: how languages are learned

 5. Acquisition vs. learning

 6. Competence vs. performance

 7. Universal grammar

 8. Language transfer

 9. Comprehensible input

 10. Critical period hypothesis


 Further Readings

Chapter 11 Language and Methodology

 1. Approaches to language teaching

 2. Contribution of linguistics to language teaching

 3. Language testing

  3.1 Basic considerations of language testing

  3.2 Main types of language tests


 Further Read ings






