白杨礼赞,白杨树实在是不平凡的,我赞美白杨树! 当汽车在望不到边际的高原上奔驰,扑入你的视野的,是黄绿错综的一条大毡子;黄的,那是土,未开垦的处女土,几十万年前由伟大的自然力所堆积成功的黄土高原的外壳;绿的呢,是人类劳力战胜自然的成果,是麦田,和风吹送,翻起了一轮一轮的绿波——这时你会真心佩服昔人所造的两个字“麦浪”,若不是妙手偶得,便确是经过锤炼的语言的精华,黄与绿主宰着,无边无垠,坦荡如砥,这时如果不是宛若并肩的远山的连峰提醒了你(这些山峰凭你的肉眼来判断,就知道是在你脚底下的),你会忘记了汽车是在高原上行驶。这时你涌起来的感想也许是“雄壮”,也许是“伟大”,诸如此类的形容词;然而同时你的眼睛也许觉得有点倦怠,你对当前的“雄壮”或“伟大”闭了眼,而另一种味儿在你心头潜滋暗长了——“单调”!可不是,单调,有一点儿吧? Tribute to the White Poplar The white poplar is no ordinary tree. Let me sing its praises. When you travel by car through Northwest China's boundless plateau, all you see before you is something like a huge yellow-and-green felt blanket. Yellow is the soil—the uncultivated virgin soil. It is the outer covering of the loess platesu accumulated by Mother Nature several hundred thousand years ago. Green are the wheat fields signifying man's triumph over nature.