目录 Preface I. The Colonial Period and 17th Century Literature of Puritanism The Historical Background The Development of Literature II. The Period of Enlightenment The Historical Background The Development of Literature Benjamin Franklin from Autobiography Philip Freneau To the Memory of the Brave Americans The Wild Honey Suckle III. New England Transcendentalism and the Romantic Age A. Period of Pre-Romanticism The Historical Background The Development of Literature Washington Irving from Rip Van Winkl William Cullen Bryant Thanatopsis To a Waterfowl B. Period of Post-Romanticism The Historical Background The Development of Literature Edgar Allan Poe To Helen The Raven Ralph Waldo Emerson from Nature The Rhodora Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlte Letter Chapter XIX Walt Whitman from Song of Myself When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d Henry Wadsworth Longfellow A Psalm of Life The Tide Rises,the Tide Falls Harriet Beecher Stowe from Uncle Tom’s Cabin Emily Dickinson …… IV. The Age of Realism V. American Naturalism VI. American Modernism VII. American Literature since 1945 Index Main Reference Books
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